
Whitepaper - Realizing the Promise of the Connected Home with USP (TR-369)

2 min read


As members of the Broadband Forum and its Connected Home Council, QA Cafe is on the forefront of testing and validation for the technologies that our CDRouter users are building into their products and services. The User Services Platform, or TR-369, is the natural evolution of TR-069 that many of our customers see as a clear way to help meet the challenges presented by tomorrows connected device and connected service world.

This white paper by the Broadband Forum helps illustrate the two biggest use cases of USP/TR-369 that are specifically designed to tackle these major challenges: Managed Wi-Fi, and the Managed Smart Home.

Read the white paper (pdf)

The white paper, MU-461, covers a range of topics, including:

  • Top Challenges When Becoming a Connected Home Provider
  • An Overview of TR-369
  • USP Use Cases for Managed Wi-Fi
  • USP Use Cases for a Managed Smart Home

And more Here’s an excerpt from “Use Cases for Managed Wi-Fi”:


Managed Wi-Fi has emerged as a critical part of enabling the Connected Home, since the vast majority of IoT devices connect to their broadband service via Wi-Fi. USP offers several approaches for optimizing and managing Wi-Fi. Here we will present three methods USP offers for Wi-Fi management. These methods showcase the flexibility USP offers, as every Operator has different needs and technological maturity. Key to all of these methods for Wi-Fi management is the Device:2 Data Model for USP. This model has been used for Wi-Fi network setup and monitoring for more than 10 years and is regularly updated and maintained. Having a data model that can be used on legacy CPE, as well as being future proof for new devices, will simplify implementing a unified Wi-Fi management system without any compromise.


Want to read more? You can download the white paper here from the Broadband Forum’s website.